Tarot Cards Meanings - The Suit of Pentacles (Coins) - The King of Pentacles (Coins) - meaning in detail

The King of Pentacles (Coins) - tarot card meaning in detail

The King of Pentacles (Coins) The King of the Thrones of Earth

Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Air of Earth
Astrological Associations: Gemini

Full Meaning

The King of Pentacles is a loyal and dependable leader and someone who has worked hard all of his life to achieve his aims. He is slow to ask for favours but will often offer them. Generally he does not like to be indebted to anyone and is a particularly proud person. This respected man is likely to be a civil servant, draftsman, engineer, supervisor, farmer, or, surprisingly even a performer. With this card in your spread you may find yourself planning for a new business venture, or thinking about new and different ways of making money or designing something, you may even have thoughts about building a new house and home. Either way this card symbolizes the achievement of goals through careful, practical planning and effort. In terms of a relationship this card indicates one which has all of the required material comforts where the partner associates contentment with material well-being. Watch out for someone who can give you financial/business advice and assistance, because this card In your spread suggests that they could be really helpful to you.

Traditional Symbolism

The figure calls for no special description the face is rather dark, suggesting also courage, but somewhat lethargic in tendency. The bull's head should be noted as a recurrent symbol on the throne. The sign of this suit is represented throughout as engraved or blazoned with the pentagram, typifying the correspondence of the four elements in human nature and that by which they may be governed. In many old Tarot packs this suit stood for current coin, money, deniers. I have not invented the substitution of pentacles and I have no special cause to sustain in respect of the alternative. But the consensus of divinatory meanings is on the side of some change, because the cards do not happen to deal especially with questions of money.

The King of Pentacles (Coins) summary.

The King of Pentacles (Coins) Card illustration.

The Suit of Pentacles (Coins).