Tarot Cards Meanings - The Suit of Pentacles (Coins) - The Seven of Pentacles (Coins) - meaning in detail

The Seven of Pentacles (Coins) - tarot card meaning in detail

The Seven of Pentacles (Coins) The Lord of Success Unfulfilled

Numerical Value: 7
Astrological Associations: Gemini, Sagittarius, Mercury

Full Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles is all about taking back control of a situation and using your skill and judgment to put the balance back into your life. You may be feeling that some things are out of your control at the moment, but the best thing to do here is to be patient and wait for things to develop. There Is a warning that comes with this card which suggests that if promising projects are not to fail then you must not be complacent about success and rest on your laurels. Only continued hard work will ensure a positive outcome.

This card has been likened to someone who put in the groundwork, tucked away their savings, and now needs to sit back and wait for interest rates to go up. What has been achieved has been achieved and now it is out of your hands, just like you have no control over interest rates you must sit back and be patient and wait for a favourable outcome. Now is the time to plan carefully for your future, for example you may like to do a further course of study, take a holiday or maybe even change direction at work. The Seven of Coins is all about a steady journey towards your goals. This card also indicates that you may receive some help or encouraging news. As long as you have put in all of the necessary groundwork then there should also be steady progress regarding financial affairs and maybe even a favour returned.

Traditional Symbolism

A young man, leaning on his staff, looks intently at seven pentacles attached to a clump of greenery on his right; one would say that these were his treasures and that his heart was there.

The Seven of Pentacles (Coins) summary.

The Seven of Pentacles (Coins) Card illustration.

The Suit of Pentacles (Coins).